For the anniversary of bauhaus, the „Gropius-Sessel“ F51 is brought from his „holy“ directors office to the urban space. There, inhabitants and visitors of Dessau can use and experience it in a new context.
The cubic draft F51 was already craftet 1920 by Walter Gropius for an exhibition and served as an essential element of his holistic spacial composition, the directors office in Bauhaus Weimar. For having a talk with the director at that time, visitors were sitting on this conference chair, which were also crafted as a two seater. The holistic concept of space was developed by Gropius proceeding from a greek fret.
so the orthogonal form can be found from the whole room through to the document shelf.
The chair itself has a specific importance, looking at its cantilever construction it is considered to be an archetype of chairs with just two chair legs.
That the F51 seems to float is one occasion for Laura and Sven to bring him into the urban space. the visitors chair appears alongside the passage as a whole but also in fragments. It can be used as sitting accomodations and invites people to communicate and talk. To make it weatherproof, Laura and Sven decided on the material Polyurethan.