Neolithic Future
The animation movie Neolithic Future by Jonas Bornhorst & Alexander Pfeiffenberger tells the story of a German company which is inhabiting a research complex on top of the ruins of the oldest temple of mankind "Göbekli Tepe" in the desert of Turkey.
They are a multidisciplinary team of experts composed of a designer robot, a stock photo secretary two scientists, a french philosopher, the mysterious lion person and a centaur boss who is driven by the desire to upload his consciousness into a computer.
Researching the archaeological site the team discovers the secret entrance to an unknown cave that’s inhabited by a lost german archaeologist. As they enter the cave a collective hallucination begins.
Neolithic Future had its premiere inside a tent-installation in an old track bed during the exhibition "Don't you ever wonder could you travel in the dark alone" in Gleishallen Bremen, where also parts of the film set were showcased as excavated sculptures.

① Neolithic Future is an Obscure Research/Design Lab for Product Development & Lifestyle.
② Neolithic Future is a Sculpture.
③ Neolithic Future is a Cave Fight between Ted Kaczynski & Elon Musk with an Artificial Buddha Intelligence as a Referee.
④ Neolithic Future is an Übermedial Trip to the Unconcious of an Organism Called Human.
⑤ Neolithic Future is a herd of centaurs inside of a trojan horse knocking on the gates of your mind.

Jonas Bornhorst & Alexander Pfeiffenberger, 2018